A guide to the Seven Rainbow Crystals, the Seven Great Youma, and Zoisite's use of the Black Crystal in Sailor Moon's Dark ...
The legend of the Loch Ness Monster is alive and well in 2025, as a recent sighting has reignited curiosity about the elusive creature. A visitor at Dores Beach, Scotland, captured a photograph of ...
Released at the tail end of Star Trek's mid-90s popularity, Galaxy Quest was conceived as a gentle - even loving - parody of the long-running series, but was greeted with a muted response ...
The galaxy next door to the Milky Way, the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), could be hiding a monstrous secret. This dwarf galaxy, a satellite of our galaxy, may have its own supermassive black hole.
A man was visiting Dores Beach in Scotland when he reportedly saw something in the water and took a photo — could it be the Loch Ness Monster?
A new study of super-fast-moving stars suggests that they were accelerated by a monster black hole that's been lurking unseen in the galaxy next door. This appears to be the closest supermassive black ...
A new study of super-fast-moving stars suggests that they were accelerated by a monster black hole that's been lurking unseen in the galaxy next door. This appears to be the closest supermassive ...