Saudi Arabia’s absolute monarchy restricts almost all political rights and civil liberties. No officials at the national level are elected. The regime relies on pervasive surveillance, the ...
Guatemala: International organizations demand freedom for Jose Rubén Zamora and urgent guarantees of due process ...
Freedom House is founded on the core conviction that freedom flourishes in democratic nations where governments are accountable to their people. Violence and the repression of political opponents ...
Courageous rights defenders are jailed all over the world for speaking truth to power. Freedom House documents their cases ...
Ali AlHajee is a Bahraini human rights defender and former political prisoner who was imprisoned in Bahrain for more than ten years until his release in June 2023.
Democracies, as a matter of their own survival, must demonstrate basic solidarity and prevent the outright conquest of other free societies by authoritarian powers. With each year of global decline in ...
The 52nd edition of Freedom in the World finds that 60 countries experienced declines in their political rights and civil liberties, while only 34 registered improvements. WASHINGTON—Political ...
China conducts the most sophisticated, global, and comprehensive campaign of transnational repression in the world. China conducts the most sophisticated, global, and comprehensive campaign of ...
For over 50 years, Freedom in the World has been widely used by policymakers, researchers, students, international organizations, and investors. Donate today to help us ensure the future of this vital ...