As a lymphoma survivor, I struggle with the positivity trap — sometimes, I just want my fears validated instead of being reassured everything is fine.
Helene Lindfors, Ph.D. Student at the Endocrine Surgery research group, the Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, ...
The taller-than-wide thyroid nodule feature did not demonstrate sufficient power to differentiate between malignant and benign nodules.
While both are called medullary carcinoma, these cancers differ in many ways: ...
Follicular lymphoma, a blood cancer, often lacks a single tumor, contrasting with solid tumors, leading to different treatment experiences. Chemotherapy side effects, such as hair loss and nausea, ...
This open access article is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International ...
However, consistently high TSH may mean you have an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism). Though rare, the pituitary gland may develop a tumor that actively produces TSH. In that case, your TSH levels ...
The diagnosis of follicular-patterned thyroid tumors such as follicular thyroid adenoma (FA), follicular thyroid carcinoma (FTC), and follicular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma (FvPTC) remains ...
Pituitary TSH is a principal host growth factor for differentiated papillary and follicular thyroid cancers. Suppression of this factor via negative feedback inhibition with exogenous L-thyroxine is a ...