Cheryl Hayes is a mediator for Polk County’s restorative dialogue program. She has been working with offenders, victims and ...
Rochester, N.Y. The Center for Youth is celebrating a milestone for one of its programs that lends a helping hand to local ...
It's called the 'Safe Place Program.' Some stores double as a safe spot including a thrift store The Angel Spot. "We're actually a family. We don't look at ourselves just as a store, we look at ...
There has been a decline in how ‘psychologically safe’ people feel at work, according to a new study by Mental Health First Aid England and Henley Business School. Researchers found that there has ...
For more information about the PATH prenatal care clinic and other substance use programs call 801-387-4647 or visit the PATH addiction treatment page at or email PATHUT@ ...
She said having documents that don’t match her gender identity would make her feel vulnerable even in “safe” countries, because she would have to use the passport repeatedly, each time ...
We have conducted research into what makes parks feel safe and unsafe for women. We found that it is a mix of things, from the immediate social and physical features of environments to broader ...
Given the near constant flow of negative news stories, concerns from MPs and child safety groups, you may be surprised to hear that 94% of young people in the UK aged 8-16 still feel safe online, but ...
Most women feel safe in their city during the day (82%), but only half feel safe at night (48%). Many are unsure or feel unsafe after dark. 7% of women experienced harassment in public spaces over the ...
A third of drivers feel 'a lot less safe' on smart motorways than they did three years ago, according to a new AA survey. While just 2 per cent of the panel of 13,500 UK licence holders said they ...