Submariners have returned from what is believed to be the longest deployment of a nuclear-armed submarine in Royal Navy ...
Scotland’s energy mix will include oil and gas for decades to come, but the Labour government is already taking the steps ...
The party’s stance was branded ‘self-indulgent’ and ‘reckless’ after it again insisted Trident should be removed from Faslane naval base on the Clyde under independence. The move could ...
Mr Galloway, who represents Glasgow Kelvin, was detained along with Scottish Socialist MSP Tommy Sheridan at the so-called Big Blockade at the Faslane naval base on the River Clyde. Protesters ...
Five British submarines are based at Faslane Naval Base on the River Clyde in Scotland. Along with Britain's Trident fleet, Scotland is also protected by three armed patrol ships and seven armed ...
Royal Navy tugboat and marine services crews, some of whom move nuclear submarines, are set to take strike action in March in a dispute over proposed contract changes. The union said many of the ...
they headed off up the Royal Mile on a six-day march to the gates of Faslane naval base. I next met up with them in George Square in Glasgow where a couple of thousand gathered for a march round the ...