Discover interesting facts about where sharks ... healthy by weeding out sick and weak animals.They also may help keep healthy oxygen levels in the ocean by hunting fish that eat oxygen-producing ...
Our oceans are vast, open environments teeming with an amazing variety of plant and animal species. Healthy oceans are vital to the planet’s biological web. Unfortunately, the health and ...
Here are some interesting facts about the ocean for kids ... Surprisingly, about two-thirds of them remain unidentified. Ocean life comprises plants, animals, and other living organisms, and ...
Turns out, there's more to the shark than sharp teeth and gills. Read on to learn about these misread sea dwellers.
Look at the huge ocean. Miles and miles of water ... These models could form an 'under the sea' class display with facts about each animal gathered from the clip. This clip is relevant for ...
One of the few documented near-attacks — an orca charging at a surfer in Norway before pulling away — most likely happened because the animal mistook the surfer for a seal. Although wild ...
Scientists spotted the anglerfish in shallow waters, which is highly unusual and could indicate something deeper ...
The two most prominent types of plankton in the ocean are zooplankton, which are tiny animal organisms, and phytoplankton, which are plantlike. (Other forms of plankton include bacterial and fungal.
But typically the consumption of plastic just leads to chronic, unrelenting hunger. Some animals now live in a world of plastics—like these hyenas scavenging at a landfill in Harar, Ethiopia.
Around the Ocean in 80 Fish & Other Sea Life is a beautifully illustrated journey that introduces readers to various inhabitants of the five oceans. Each turn of the page reveals a new animal—with ...
Like a deep-sea modern dancer, a rarely seen animal undulates in the dark, its vast arms swirling slowly through the water. You’ve just met the giant phantom jelly, an elusive ocean dweller with ...