Two Chinese coast guard vessels entered Japanese territorial waters near the disputed Senkaku Islands, inciting tensions ...
Newsweek's weekly update maps the locations of 13 aircraft carriers in the Indo-Pacific region as of March 21.
In a social media post late Thursday, Trump said the Times report was “ridiculous” and “completely untrue.” Trump added that ...
China's Coast Guard homed in on a South Korean team investigating the 160-foot tall steel structure constructed in contested ...
G7 foreign ministers took a tough stance on China on Friday, stepping up language on Taiwan and omitting some conciliatory ...
Here’s a look at major ferry and ship sinking disasters throughout history. This timeline is not-all inclusive; various incidents with at least 1,000 fatalities are listed. Death tolls vary by source.
The Philippine defense chief's warmongering rhetoric shows that he clearly does not know which way the wind is blowing today. The new US administration under Donald Trump has sent an unmistakable ...
China claims most of the South China Sea, including parts of the Philippines’ EEZ. For Philippine maritime forces, this has meant harassment at sea, whether it be through dangerous maneuvers ...
From where that firing took place, the destroyer Zunyi could on its own erase from the map every city on Australia's east coast from Townsville to Hobart using ... once at sea, resupply and ...
Japan, which has territorial disputes with China in the East China Sea, has raised concern about increasing Chinese military maneuvers in its nearby waters. Last year, a Chinese aircraft carrier ...
Foreign buyers praised the East China Fair, a major regional trade event, as a place looking for "new products and new ideas". The 33rd edition of the fair concluded on March 4 at the Shanghai New ...