Duty-based ethical systems tend to focus on giving equal respect to all human beings. This provides a basis for human rights - it forces due regard to be given to the interests of a single person ...
Peter Singer, Achieving the Best Outcome: Final Rejoinder, Ethics & International Affairs, 2002 This isn't the sort of duty that is enforceable, so it's charity in the sense that giving is up to ...
This presentation is intended to enhance attendees’ ability to recognize situations that may engender legal or ethical duties to report behaviors that create risks to others in the healthcare context.
This document was drawn up after extensive research into the ethics codes of other major media around the world, historical documents such as the 1971 Munich Declaration of the Duties and Rights ...
and suggests various pedagogical and practice-based techniques that will heighten the novice legal writer’s awareness of and ability to embrace these dual ethical duties. This article concludes that ...
We are guided by the ethical principles in our Code of Ethics, and our organizational policies and procedures. Misconduct is intentional wrongdoing or improper behavior that violates Mercy Corps ...
Many people know what the words Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage mean. But how often do you see someone actually live up to them? Soldiers learn ...
What should we protect when managing and conserving wildlife? There's no single answer. Competing values, and different prioritizations of values create ethical dilemmas and disagreements.
In 2024, new legislation introduced significant changes to the rules, procedures and institutions governing research ethics ...