For Dhaka’s street food vendors, operating without legal recognition means a constant struggle against law enforcement and extortion ...
Nine more new dengue cases were reported in the 24 hours leading up to Saturday morning, bringing the total number of cases ...
An eight-year-old girl in Bangladesh succumbed to injuries after being raped, leading to widespread protests demanding ...
Administrator Mohammad Azaz has warned that businesses operating by encroaching on footpaths will have their trade licences ...
United Nations secretary-general Antonio Guterres on Saturday officially opened a new UN House in Bangladesh in the ...
The Gulshan flat, where an unruly mob stormed into on March 5 to search for imaginary guns, crores of cash, and Awami League ...
An eight-year-old girl, who was allegedly raped by her elder sister’s father-in-law last week, died of her injuries on ...
An eight-year-old girl died after she was raped in the city of Magura in Bangaldesh setting off fierce protests.
Dhaka, the overcrowded capital city of Bangladesh, has ranked the 13th on the list of cities with the worst air quality with an AQI score of 122 at about 9:20am on Saturday ...
Although work has resumed recently, the pace remains slow, and safety measures for workers and road users appear inadequate ...
Arrested for sexually harassing a Bangladeshi university student, Asif Sardar Arnab was soon released -- greeted by a ...
A growing number of organisations are trying to understand how heat is experienced by different segments of society. Read ...