Approximately 100 residents showed up at the Firefighters Activity Center Tuesday night to participate in a community town hall and hear updates about Shippensburg’s future. Moderated by Chamber of ...
What some people found shocking about the response to Thompson’s death was the frank and honest expression of Schadenfreude. “Schadenfreude” is a German word we use to name the pleasure we t ...
Schadenfreude—raw, gnawing, primal—is the secret glee one takes in another's downfall. Harmless in its cocktail-party variety, but let it fester in grievance and rage, and it signals violence ...
Ihre Schwesterpartei ist die CSU aus Bayern. Das sei traurig und kein Anlass für Schadenfreude, sagte er der dpa. Jede Mondmission habe auch technologische Errungenschaften erbracht. Die ...