A company spokesperson told HuffPost that 23andMe isn't changing the way it stores, manages or protects customer data.
California Attorney General Rob Bonta today issued a consumer alert to customers of 23andMe, a genetic testing and information ...
Me collected incredibly sensitive genetic data from millions of Americans, and their inability to protect that data ...
Me has capped off a challenging few years by filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy today. Given the uncertainty around the future ...
Genetic testing company 23andMe announced it has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Here's what it means for users' genetic ...
If you are one of the over 15 million people who have provided saliva samples to them, unless you take action, there is a ...
San Francisco-based genetic testing firm 23andMe on Sunday announced that it has filed for bankruptcy, leaving customers ...
Over the weekend, biotechnology company 23andMe filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Questions remain over what could happen to ...
If you want to delete your data, log into your 23andMe account and go to the “Settings” section of your profile. Then scroll ...
Consumers can delete their account and personal information by taking the following steps: Log into your 23andMe account on ...
Connecticut’s attorney general issued a consumer alert after an announcement that genotyping company 23andMe filed for ...
Low-angle view of logo on facade of personal genomics company 23AndMe in the Silicon Valley town of Mountain View, California ...