Rescuers responded to a call for help on the Whistling Arch trail, at the Red River Gorge Geological Area, at 1:15 p.m.
Debris and large boulders crashed down from a cliff face in Ventnor, Isle of Wight, on Friday evening during a landslide which miraculously caused no injury despite falling directly onto a busy road.
A number of stages were involved in the original headland shape becoming eroded to the present coastal landscape. Headlands and bays are most likely to be formed in areas where there are ...
700 American soldiers scaled a more than 1,700-foot-high sheer cliff wall, making their way to the top. Beyond the danger of the climb itself, the soldiers were incredibly exposed. Any detection ...
Rescuers used ropes to rappel to the hiker, who was trapped along a cliff face at the Red River Gorge ... harness,” according to the crew. “Top side team members then conducted a single ...