Yielding to the truth of God’s allness and complete power enables us to see more of God’s harmony revealed.
The location might be new, but the deep roots of First Church of Christ, Scientist in Loveland were planted more than a century ago. On Sunday, members and friends came together to honor the church’s ...
As we listen to and obey God, we discover more of our inherent wholeness and health.
In this article, we explore  with research assistance from AI 15 famous quotes from notable leaders across a wide spectrum of industries.
D r. Francis Collins led the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), the world’s largest funder of biomedical research, ...
In nearly every major American city and in many small towns, Christian Science reading rooms are found mixed in with ...
MERCER ISLAND, Wash. — The State of the Christian Workplace 2025 report provides insights into employee engagement and workplace health in Christian-led workplaces. The report highlights ...
Gabriel Popkin, science and environmental writer, in a New York Times op-ed on the need to expand the categories for which the Nobel Prize is awarded (October 3) —Cell biologist Yoshinori Ohsumi of ...
Since we celebrate National Science Day annually, to honour the contributions of Sir C.V. Raman, it is important to remember his teachings and quotes. You can share the famous quotes with your ...
We celebrate National Science Day in India on 28th February every year to commemorate the discovery of the Raman Effect by Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman, an Indian physicist, on 28th February 1928.