All Might's passing of the mantle to the next generation has seen heroes like Bakugo rise to surpass his former power levels. Bakugo's Quirk reawakening and fight against All For One in the Final ...
As he admitted to All Might, he was only dragging others down out of fear and personal insecurity. Although this does not ...
Future battles between Deku and Bakugo may revolve around proving their heroism on a grand scale.
All Might, or Toshinori Yagi, has saved hundreds of individuals with a smile on his face while inspiring many to become future heroes. He works selflessly to make society a better place for the ...
All Might initially discouraged Deku’s heroism due to his Quirklessness but he understood Deku’s potential after seeing his bravery in saving Bakugo. All Might, once Quirkless himself ...