Right now's a good time to be checking in as Verizon's site has just been updated with some of the best deals we've ever seen on high-end devices. Right now, for example, you don't even need to ...
The satellite-messaging service will be free to use until July, even if you aren’t a T-Mobile customer (that means you, Verizon and AT&T users). Starlink, a satellite internet service that ...
Visit our full methodology page and advertising disclosure to learn more. Not sure if T-Mobile 5G or Verizon 5G Home Internet is the best internet provider for you? Compare the pros and cons of ...
For our friends on the East Coast, you might be familiar with Verizon's 100% fiber-optic internet service, currently only available in eight northeastern states and Washington, DC. Although ...
But in a non-competitive market, companies such as Verizon enjoy inflated profits. The Communications Workers of America (CWA) used its leverage to redistribute some of those inflated profits to ...