A bus passes a swan in London, a blue shark swims near Cornwall, and a group of pigeons eyes a tasty snack in Essex.
Urban wildlife is spotlighted in this year’s award, with a streetwise fox, a roadside swan and scavenging pigeons among the ...
Additional impressive images include Drew Buckley’s dramatic view of Scotland’s Monadhliath Mountains with a white hare in the foreground and a troupe of ravenous pigeons headed for a bag of chips, ...
Wildlife on the River Wandle have been covered in oil after a diesel spill Attempts are being made clean up a diesel spill on a stretch of the river Wandle that has also spread to a nature reserve ...
A spill of diesel into a river could affect endangered native crayfish, a wildlife trust has warned. Residents of Kendal, Cumbria, first spotted the oily substance floating atop the River Kent ...
The winners of the British Wildlife Photography Awards 2025 have ... and wanted to showcase some beauty in this everyday urban scene" explains Withyman. The competition, which invites both amateur ...
he said he “wanted to showcase some beauty in this everyday urban scene.” More than 13,000 images were submitted to this year’s competition, across 10 categories. The Young British Wildlife ...