Magic City Books highlights six diverse book selections, ranging from introspective fiction to economic innovation and baseball history.
Ethan Tapper, a forester and author, shares his journey of maintaining “Bear Island” and the environmental activism he expresses in his book.
On Monday a bear sat for hours in a tree near a middle school in Seminole County, Florida, before it finally returned to nearby woods.
What would you do if you went hiking and came face-to-face with a massive grizzly bear and her two curious cubs?
These beautifully illustrated children's books explore empathy, resilience, unique perspectives and kindness while helping ...
March is “National Reading Month” and local author Johanna Laurent is encouraging readers to take a chance on her book, “Everything is Perfect,” which focuses on discovering positivity and getting the ...
But for the main character in Amity Gaige’s “ Heartwood, ” Jenna’s April 2025 Read With Jenna pick, the question is urgent ...
As a “fun fact” lover, I usually pride myself on knowing the answers to those everyday quandaries. But while scrolling through TikTok last night, I found myself stumped; “so Winnie... the Pooh... what ...
Hibernation is a process and for black bears, preparing a den is half the battle. This Yellowstone bear is off to a good ...
We were technically waiting for bears, but we found something different: peace, solitude and harmony with the wilderness.
She’s back! Emma Gannon the author of Olive has returned with Table For One, a hilarious, heartbreaking and relatable novel ...
Up-and-coming children’s author B. Ware is on a mission to reignite children’s passion for reading in a world filled with ...