The Elegoo Centauri Carbon can print a wide range of filament types, including PLA, PETG, TPU, ABS, ASA, and ...
It's about time we got an alternative to Bambu Labs. The S1 Combo is an excellent choice with a small caveat.
Pemkot Malang mencari solusi perbaikan TPU Kertoaji yang temboknya nyaris roboh, meski terkendala status lahan yang bukan milih pemerintah.
Pagar tembok TPU Kertoaji di Kelurahan Ketawanggede, Kecamatan Lowokwaru, selalu ditengok pengendara yang melintas.
Warga berziarah di makam keluarganya di Tempat Pemakaman Umum (TPU) Ngagel Rejo, Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Kamis (27/2/2025). Menjelang bulan suci Ramadhan, umat Islam melakukan ziarah kubur untuk ...
Selain lezat, rebung memiliki segudang manfaat kesehatan yang baik untuk tubuh. Rebung, tunas muda dari bambu, kaya akan serat yang membantu melancarkan pencernaan. Kandungan seratnya yang tinggi juga ...
Palette 3 Pro supports 1.75 mm filaments and is compatible with the following materials: PLA, PETG, TPU, ABS, PVA, HIPS. Bambu Lab’s P1S is a powerful FDM printer that is characterized by its high ...
Now, though, companies are starting to release CoreXY machines to compete with the Bambu Lab behemoth ... I tested the hardened nozzle with PLA, PETG, TPU and even glow-in-the-dark filament ...
Whether you’re working with PLA, PETG, TPU, ABS, ASA, or even carbon-fibre ... In recent years, Bambu Labs, a newcomer to the industry, has disrupted it with its philosophy that 3D printing ...
Printing with it was easy, though the roll is a little big for printers like the Bambu Lab X1, which has an enclosed filament system. TPU is a flexible material that can make cool rubbery models.
Popular Chinese manufacturer Bambu Lab is currently one of the players dominating the consumer market for FDM 3D printers. The company is continuously working to outdo itself and recently announced ...