Nabi Muhammad memberikan nama kucing betina kesayangannya, yakni Muezza atau yang dalam bahasa Arab Mu'izza (معزة). Arti dari nama tersebut adalah 'yang berharga'. Ras Muezza masih menjadi perdebatan, ...
Polisi telah menetapkan pria berinisial DD (42) sebagai tersangka kasus penembakan kucing Timmy di Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara. Namun polisi tidak menahan tersangka karena ancaman hukuman di ...
SURYAMALANG.COM - Tonton aksi kucing oren ikut patroli polisi yang menjadi viral di media sosial. Si kucing oren ini bahkan berseragam lengkap memakai vest khusus layaknya petugas kepolisian. Dari ...
LONGVIEW- Surrounded by family, Sonny (Oren Virgil) Melton, passed away peacefully at home on January 15, 2025, at the age of 84. Sonny dedicated much of his life to hard work, family and friends.
Eagles linebacker Oren Burks was fined for his hit that forced a fumble to start the win over the Packers. NBC Universal, Inc. Eagles linebacker Oren Burks was fined $8,333 by the NFL for ...
KUCING - JAKARTA. Pahami bagaimana umur kucing dihitung dalam usia manusia. Sebagai salah satu hewan peliharaan favorit, kucing memiliki rentang hidup yang umumnya lebih pendek dibandingkan pemiliknya ...
Eagles linebacker Oren Burks was fined $8,333 by the NFL for unnecessary roughness (use of the helmet) on his forced fumble on the opening kickoff of the Eagles’ 22-10 win over the Packers in ...
GREEN BAY – Philadelphia Eagles linebacker Oren Burks was fined $8,333 for use of his helmet on a hit to Green Bay Packers kick returner Keisean Nixon in the Packers’ 22-10 loss to the Eagles in a ...
It’s little consolation now, but the NFL fined Philadelphia Eagles linebacker Oren Burks for an illegal hit on Green Bay Packers returner Keisean Nixon during the opening kickoff of last Sunday’s NFC ...
The league has announced that Eagles linebacker Oren Burks was fined $8,333 for unnecessary roughness resulting from the use of his helmet on the first play of the game. The problem with the rule ...
The league announced Saturday that Eagles linebacker Oren Burks was fined $8,333 for unnecessary roughness on the opening kickoff of last Sunday’s 22-10 Eagles win. The NFL said Burks’ fine ...