The international team has now been able to resolve the mystery of how the microbes use this process to generate energy. Their findings are also interesting for another reason: Since the ...
In the search for extraterrestrial life, water worlds have become the focus of research. Now there is a recommendation on ...
A new reagent has moved carbon-atom transfer out of the chemical flatlands, allowing chemists to place a single carbon atom so that it makes bonds to four different substituents. The reagent makes ...
Researchers from the University of Würzburg are opening up new horizons in chemistry: They present the world's first triple bond between the atoms boron and carbon. Prof. Dr. Holger Braunschweig, ...
El presidente Gustavo Petro, en medio de su intervención en el marco de la vitrina turística de Anato, señaló que el país ha avanzado en el proceso de la transición energética, pero aún está lejos de ...
Monolayer amorphous carbon is a game-changing material that combines strength ... Credit: Gustavo Raskoksy/Rice University Like graphene, MAC is also a 2D or single atom-thick material. But unlike ...
Cosmos (ATOM) es un ecosistema blockchain que facilita la interoperabilidad entre blockchainsdent . Cofundada por Jae Kwon y Ethan Buchman en 2014, Cosmos tiene como objetivo crear una red ...
This technology is part of what is known as carbon capture and storage (CCS). At the time of the 1997 Kyoto Protocol it was already being proposed as a way to reduce emissions in localised sources ...
which is developing neutral-atom quantum computing. Carmen Palacios-Berraquero, CEO of Nu Quantum, said: “The interactions we have had with other members have been incredibly enlightening and ...
This technology is part of what is known as carbon capture and storage (CCS). At the time of the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, it was already being proposed as a way to reduce emissions in localized ...
An experiment bludgeoning special lead atoms with high-speed particles has revealed a shocking surprise. Far from the perfect sphere physicists from the University of Surrey expected to find, the ...