In a degraded and semi-arid farming area in India, simple science-driven changes to the landscape have colored the horizon, ...
Recent assessments showing that poverty eradication is lagging most in the arid areas suggest that it is not only undermining the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals but may also hinder ...
Pawpaw grows very fast and may reach a height of 3 to 10m, but in semi-arid areas, supplementary irrigation is necessary to ensure that it is not short lived. This means it doesn't last longer ...
West Vault Mining, in collaboration with the University of Nevada, Reno Foundation and the Dept. of Agriculture, Veterinary, and Rangeland Sciences, has established the Arid Land Research Fund. The ...
Parasitic plants cause enormous damage to crops in arid regions Sudan has vast areas of potential cropland, but has been suffering from the devastating effects of the root parasitic weeds of the genus ...