Apple’s Apple II Computer, featuring a rare Rev. 0 logic board and ventless case, is expected to bring in around $30,000. Apple’s Macintosh Portable prototype in a clear case is another major ...
In the club's garage in Menlo Park, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak showed off the first Apple computer. Bill Gates was ...
a kit sold for the educational market and available at the time with interfaces for the PC and the Apple II. They had a Dacta control box but not the Apple II card to go with it, so had to make do ...
In its day, the Apple II computer didn’t typically require active cooling. However, the increasing scarcity of replacement hardware convinced [Joshua Coleman] to come up with a more robust ...
It made a huge impact on the world was the Apple II computer and some early, unusual approaches. Everything was so out of the book and so different than any engineering book, any book on computers ...