There's a Nobel Prize winner's latest work, an homage to Heart of Darkness, a psychosexual mystery and more in this month's ...
Early African Christian Women and Spiritual Leadership From its earliest days, Christianity in Africa involved significant ...
Below, in vague chronological order, are a few of my favorites.
After he and his brother join them in New York, the novel opens out into a more conventional consideration of rootlessness ...
Barclays Private Bank is an international wealth management powerhouse in Africa. The UK lender celebrates its regional centenary this year, with a history in Africa that stretches back to 1925.
There’s a whole lot of false consciousness running around. How to battle against it?  It’s a matter of public health.  It’s ...
Analysis - Debating Ideas reflects the values and editorial ethos of the African Arguments book series, publishing engaged, ...
Valdez's latest novel, "Happy Land," explores land ownership through the generations. She shares her thoughts on land ...
In this book, we have sought to fill the gaps of knowledge on subjects that the average Jewish college student might confront ...
Rosalind Morris digs deep via ethnography, history, personal testimony, and political thought to tell the story about the ...
John Green's new book highlights the history of tuberculosis, the world's deadliest infectious disease, which the Trump ...
White supremacy is on the rise in the world once again, often finding expression in acts of extreme violence by young white ...