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SAXOPHONE SOUNDS: Prof. Tom Hall (MUS), the artistic director of the Improv Festival, has a deep background in improvisation. He has instructed the Brandeis Improv Collective and created a video ...
Students and community members shared their positive Brandeis experiences at the #BrandeisIsOurHouse event last week. TARGETED: “Public/ Private Enemy” by Amanda Pereira ’15 represents, she says, the ...
What can be said about the first year experience? Perhaps there is little of the topic I can touch upon. I can’t talk about everyone’s experience — only my own. In my experience, it’s been a wild ride ...
RELIVING THE PAIN: In Gillian Wearing’s eight-minute video, a group reenacts an episode of bullying that one of the members went through as a child.
ROLL DEIS: Midfielder Dylan Hennessy ’20 gets ready to crush the ball across the pitch during a match on Nov. 12.