On this bright and joyous day, we have gathered to celebrate ITB’s 66th Anniversary. Dies Natalis Institut Teknologi Bandung ...
Chair of Internal Control Committee Prof. Ir. Edwan Kardena, Ph.D.
Vice Rector for University Resources Prof. Dr. Dea Indriani Astuti, S.Si.
The goal of this program is to prepare students to perform independent research in the area of their interests and to significantly contribute to science within the fields of electrical engineering ...
The Center for Unmanned System Studies is an inter-disciplinary studies center involving studies in vehicle dynamics, robotic, mechatronics, guidance, navigation, control, pertinent to unmanned ...
Food Engineering Study Program (PG) is a sub-science that studies food processing technology. The graduates from this program are expected to have the ability to formulate problems regarding food ...
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is gaining more attention as a possible abatement solution to growing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. In Indonesia, efforts to contain CO2 through CCS align with ...
Business Strategy and Marketing Research Group is a research group under the School of Business and Management of Management of Institut Teknologi Bandung. It was established in 2004 following the ...
Center for Environmental Studies (PSLH) of ITB was established in 1979 as one of the oldest environmental studies centre in Indonesia. In the early years, it was intended to strengthen the environment ...
Director Prof. Dr. apt. Muhamad Insanu, S.Si., M.Si. Subdirectorate Head for Scholarships Nenden Rina Ratnakomala, S.T., M.T. Subdirectorate Head for Student ...