Should study associations take a more critical look at their partnerships with companies? This question came up last week, after climate activists interrupted a wine tasting at the Pavilion.
Maeijer obtained her degree from the Erasmus School of Law in 2009, with a master’s in International & European Public Law. At that time, she was a policy officer for the PVV in the House of ...
Every Monday, an overview of the most important news about Erasmus University. This week: a quarter of the Master’s programmes at Erasmus University are not accessible to students transferring from ...
The media world has slogans too—pay-offs, brand promises, if you will. Think of Wij zijn voor (We are in favour) from BNNVARA, or Tendentieus, ongefundeerd & nodeloos kwetsend (Tendentious, unfounded ...
There’s a less glamorous side to the intellectual journey of the academic, writes columnist Irena Bošković. The more you learn, the less you know. But there comes a point where continuous self-doubt ...
Even Pippi Longstocking and James Bond are not exempt. Roald Dahl’s Oompa-Loompas are now gender-neutral, and the banned book list in American schools is growing. Should books with outdated or ...
In theory, the bachelor’s degrees from universities and universities of applied sciences (UAS, or hbo or hogeschool in Dutch) are equally valued. However, this is not the case in practice, as observed ...
Update Thursday 13 March: Erasmus University has been advising its staff since 2021 not to use WhatsApp for informal communication with colleagues, and instead to use Microsoft Teams or Signal. The ...
Universities were expected to be ‘cautious’ in recruiting foreign students, as stated in the administrative agreement with the former minister of Education, Robbert Dijkgraaf. Last year, universities ...
PVV Secretary of State Maeijer has to rewrite thesis at ESL after plagiarism ...
De toga is sinds dit jaar niet meer het exclusieve symbool voor hoogleraren tijdens een promotieplechtigheid aan de EUR.
Zelfs als je geen diploma behaalt, kun je vanaf 2027 misschien een tegemoetkoming voor het leenstelsel krijgen. Het kabinet ...