Los recientes avances en inteligencia artificial (IA) han generalizado el uso de grandes modelos de lenguaje en nuestra sociedad, en ámbitos como la ...
Recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) have led to the widespread use of large language models in our society in fields such as education, ...
Frisch, director of Starlab Barcelona has led an extraordinary journey into the field of consciousness research. Starlab ...
Zootoxins affect a wide range of physiological processes and are therefore of great interest for drug research. An international study led by Björn ...
An international and interdisciplinary group of researchers has compiled a proposal for a new paradigm for economic performance and sustainability, ...
The European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) opened the Western Balkans Ministerial Meeting in Skopje with a ...
El CENIEH participa en la investigación que ha permitido conocer por primera vez la diversidad ambiental de este entorno hace ...
Team from the Universities of Tübingen and Bristol hypothesizes the contribution of different bacteria to form today’s ...
The compounds Everlastin1 and Everlastin2, which inhibit the binding of the transcription factor EPHEMERAL1 (EPH1), a ...
The US National Science Foundation (NSF) and partner funding agencies in the US, Canada, Finland, Japan, South Korea and the ...
Osaka Metropolitan University researchers have succeeded in improving the yield of fumaric acid production from carbon ...
Visitors to vineyards enjoyed their tours more when they heard enhanced sounds of diverse birdsong, new research has found.