Making student loan payments every month is a grind familiar to many, but that diligence can pay off for you on your tax ...
President Donald Trump ordered an indefinite hiring freeze at the IRS ahead of tax season, but fears about delayed tax ...
Plus: First-time filers, tax refund checks, new tax-related scams, IRS job rescissions, federal estate taxes, tax filing deadlines, industry updates, and more.
The official start of tax season is here. According to the IRS, taxpayers in 25 states were able to start filing on Jan. 27 ...
The IRS began processing tax returns Monday. For filers who submit their returns electronically using direct deposit, refunds are generally issued in less than 21 days. There is a caution from the tax ...
It’s now the norm for Americans to file their taxes online — the IRS reports that more than 90 percent of individual tax returns were e-filed in 2023, the most recent data available. Even most profess ...
In the post-LDC era, Bangladesh must shift away from indirect taxes, streamline tax policies, and ensure a level playing field for both local and foreign businesses to create a sustainable economy ...
Hundreds of thousands of Americans become victims of tax-related identity theft each year. Here’s how to fight back.
The "Where is my refund?" tool is an IRS tracking system for filers to get updates on the status of their tax refund. Those ...
The Tax Court found all requirements of Sec. 6702(a) were met regarding the taxpayer’s zero-wage and -income return.
In Kentucky, more than 352,000 workers and families received about $967 million total in EITC for tax year 2023.
Tax season is underway, and the IRS expects 140 million people will file returns by April 15. The agency has also debuted a ...