Counsel for Monsanto on Thursday urged the Pennsylvania Superior Court to throw out a $175 million Roundup verdict that the company claims was tainted by bad evidentiary rulings and a coerced jury.
For years, the mayor of a Boston suburb dreaded Wednesdays. That was the day when a local weekly would publish shocking ...
A jury in Georgia has ordered Monsanto parent Bayer to pay nearly $2.1 billion in damages to a man who says the company’s ...
A Georgia jury has awarded a man $2.1 billion in damages from the parent company of Monsanto, finding that its Roundup weed ...
A state jury in Georgia directed Bayer, the parent company of Monsanto, to pay more than $2.1 billion in damages to a man who ...
Bay­er is ask­ing share­hold­ers to au­tho­rize a po­ten­tial eq­ui­ty of­fer that would al­low it to quick­ly raise bil­lions of eu­ros to deal with on­go­ing Mon­san­to … ...
BRONX, N.Y. — Bronx District Attorney Darcel D. Clark has concluded that NYPD officers were justified in the 2022 shooting of Luis Manuel Monsanto, 18, during a car stop in Morrisania, according to a ...