In the cold, lightless Pacific Ocean deep, the seabed is scattered with metal-rich rocks coveted by miners—and huge numbers ...
As deep-sea mining interests in the Pacific Ocean grow, scientists have discovered several rare and as yet unnamed aquatic ...
For most of the still unknown regions, this mapping reveals seabeds with deep canyons under the shelves, but also on the continental shelf, which is the key to channeling warm waters from the abyssal ...
Born on July 30, 1920, geologist and cartographer Tharp changed scientific thinking about what lay at the bottom of the ocean – not a featureless flat, but rugged and varied terrain.
PARIS: In the cold, lightless Pacific Ocean deep, the seabed is scattered with metal-rich rocks coveted by miners ...
In the cold, lightless Pacific Ocean deep, the seabed is scattered with metal-rich rocks coveted by miners -- and huge numbers of strange and rare animals almost entirely unknown to science.
This would map out a baseline for life in the abyssal plain, so that potential harm can be better understood. Conservation group Fauna & Flora has said risks range from damage to the ocean food ...