was quoted as saying by state-run Zambia Daily Mail on Thursday. He made the remarks on Wednesday at a meeting organized by the think tank, which focuses on Chinese investment in Zambia.
Bungee jumping is often seen as the ultimate rush - but for Erin Langworthy, what should have been a thrilling freefall turned into a terrifying plunge when her bungee cord snapped in Zambia, 2012.
Donald Trump doubled down on his bold vision for America in his first address to Congress since re-taking the Oval Office.
“Gods must be crazy,” I thought while staring at the “Zambia Daily Mail” headline. Did I truly expect to live to see a televised trials for the “attempted assassination” of the Zambian ...
India has won several new friends among the top world leaders and greater credibility and influence, thanks to Mr Rajiv Gandhi’s recent two week visit of six nations. Important links have been forged, ...
Smith and Horn in The Daily Caller on January 31 ... It now takes an average of 29 years to get a mine online in the U.S. Only Zambia is worse. Streamline federal permitting processes. The first Trump ...
Detailed price information for Ivanhoe Mines Ltd (IVPAF) from The Globe and Mail including charting and trades.
Acid spill at Zambian copper mine owned by a Chinese company contaminates major river, threatening millions. Authorities fear long-term damage to environment.
The catastrophic failure of a tailings dam at Sino Metals’ Chambishi mine in Zambia ’s Copperbelt, releasing over 50 million litres of acidic effluent into the Mwambashi River, has reignited concerns ...