During Peter Parslow’s term as chair of ISO/TC 211, the committee celebrated 30 years of developing and maintaining standards ...
OpenAI is bringing AI image generation directly to its flagship chatbot. Using ChatGPT's 4o model, you can now natively ...
The model can depict legible text and is more practical than the surrealistic generators of the past. But who will use it?
OpenAI unveiled an updated version of its AI system GPT-4o that can generate more realistic images, the result of a year-long ...
Telling the difference between images created by artificial intelligence and those by humans is becoming increasingly ...
One of the model’s standout capabilities is its strong text rendering performance, addressing a common challenge in AI-generated imagery.
New Android malware campaigns use Microsoft's cross-platform framework .NET MAUI while disguising as legitimate services to ...
Florida State University chemists have created a machine learning tool that can identify the chemical composition of dried ...
Machine learning excels at quantitative analysis, but humans still rank in leadership and adapting to unprecedented market ...
The new version of Google's open source Vulnerability Scanner examines dependencies in container image layers and Maven ...
ESET Research is publishing its investigation of Operation FishMedley, a global espionage operation by the China-aligned APT ...