The gray whale migration will once again be passing along the Oregon coast this spring, giving people a great chance to see the massive creatures. Spring Whale Watch Week, an annual whale watching ...
Scientists have spent a lot of time thinking about how the nutrients in whale feces—also known as whale pump —benefit species ...
Drone video captured beautiful rainbow displays created by Pacific gray whales off coast of California. A European country said it might no longer be comfortable buying F-35s because of Trump ...
Researchers from the University of Vermont, who published their findings in Nature Communications, found that humpback, gray and right whales transport more than 3,700 tons of nitrogen each year ...
PORT ANGELES — The Makah Tribe has submitted a permit application to NOAA Fisheries that will allow it to hunt up to 25 eastern North Pacific gray whales over a 10-year period, starting with one ...
Teams in Southern California have counted a record low number of migrating gray whales and calves so far this year. The whales have started their return trek between their summer feeding grounds ...
The study calculates that in oceans across the globe, great whales—including right whales, gray whales, and humpbacks—transport about 4,000 tons of nitrogen each year to low-nutrient coastal areas in ...
last year, but that erosion can be attributed to the move to 10 p.m. Grey’s Anatomy has aired ... Will there even be enough room for any of the bubble shows?
Chelsea Gray led the way, delivering a game-winning performance that powered the team to the five-point win over Kayla McBride and co. Her dominant two-way showing left teammate Reese in awe ...
Truong Minh Quy’s haunting romance between two Vietnamese coal miners contemplates war and loss with pained elegance. By Lisa Kennedy Louise Courvoisier’s debut feature follows a teenager in ...
Have you ever wondered why those majestic gray whales have been washing up dead along the Pacific coast since 2019? It’s a mystery that’s puzzled scientists and has kept us all on the edge of our ...