The winning photographs highlight the diversity of animal and plant life in Britain as well as the often hidden behaviors of ...
During the wet season, nearby Lake Okeechobee spills over and flows into the Everglades. Water flows southward through ...
The clock is ticking for drought-stricken farmers in the Central North Island who fear if they don't get rain soon, no grass ...
The state has emerged as a leader in building wildlife crossings, which can save animals, money and human lives.
In the winter ... the whitish landscape presented by the vegetation during the dry season, when most plants shed their leaves ...
Once one of the state's largest caribou herds, the low population of Southwest Alaska's Mulchatna herd has failed to recover. Researchers are working to understand why.
For falconers who hunt small animals like rabbits and grouse with wild birds of prey, changing Midwest winters are also changing the sport they love.
This alternative is increasingly being considered as an approach to mitigating flood risk. But allowing rivers room to move ...
Bobcats in northeastern Minnesota have been attacking chickens, and residents are now on alert for the small wildcats.
Restoring the natural balance in today’s West will involve humans, predators and other animals, a fragile balancing act that ...
Whether you dream of spotting a black bear or a pod of dolphins, here are 30+ destinations around the South that are great ...