Bora and Hima are subclusters of SciClone with Intel Xeon "Broadwell" processors, the former intended for multi-node parallel jobs, and the latter intended for serial and shared-memory jobs. Their ...
Bora Bora is part of The Islands of Tahiti, the official designation for the destination of French Polynesia, which consists ...
With health and safety precautions in place, we were comfortable enjoying activities and amenities at resorts across three islands in French Polynesia: Tahiti, Bora Bora, and Moorea. And I'm ...
Seafood features heavily on the menus of Bora Bora restaurants, and travelers would be remiss if they didn't try some of the local specialties, namely poisson cru, or raw tuna that has been ...
The Volkswagen Bora Protect could possibly be the world's most fuel-efficient, factory-built armored sedan. Powered by the automaker's turbocharged 2.0-liter four-cylinder gasoline engine and ...
The best way to get around Bora Bora is by bike, especially when you consider that the entire island only takes a few hours to traverse. Rental cars are another option, but they cost significantly ...
So it shouldn’t be surprising that a larger company has come along and acquired Aura Bora. Inc. has learned that Next in Natural, a New York-based boutique private-equity firm specializing in ...