1. Mix together the corn meal mix, egg, oil and buttermilk. 2. Add milk — should be the consistency of pancake batter. 3.
Learn how to make a classic Western omelet with this simple and flavorful recipe! Packed with eggs, ham, peppers, onions, and cheese, this hearty breakfast favorite is quick and easy to prepare.
Looking for a foolproof way to make a delicious Western omelet? This step-by-step guide will help you create a fluffy, flavorful omelet packed with classic ingredients. President Trump meets with ...
So that is one of the links between our agriculture and our thinking about food. Now nutritionism did arise to solve a real problem. There is a problem with the Western diet. And now I’m going to talk ...
Typically with this column, readers send in recipes, and I cook them in my kitchen. Then, we compare notes. This week is different. When Stephanie November invited me into her New Orleans kitchen ...