The March 1945 crossings, by Patton and Montgomery's forces, gave the Allies beachheads with which to invade Germany.
It might surprise some war movie fans to know that at least one Army historian doesn't think there's anything special about ...
From colonial America to the recent war in Iraq, Army stories have captured movie audiences for nearly a century; influencing ...
In this episode I take a look at British, German and American camouflage items of uniform, how effective they were and debunk a popular myth surrounding American and German camouflage in Normandy ...
As the German right ascends, the nation is still grappling with its fascist past — and how to handle its remains.
During World War II, American fighter pilots relied on specialized uniforms, survival gear ... Platoon of WWII - How 22 Men Stopped 500 German Paratroopers? 33-year-old spent $7,000 to start ...
It was thanks to former WWI pilot Tommy Hitchcock that the P-51 entered U.S service — and changed the skies over Europe ...
This time named for Roland Bragg, the little-known World War II private whose Battle of ... Bragg took the German’s uniform, stole a nearby ambulance and loaded his fellow wounded Americans ...
Reading historical fiction is a powerful way to experience the past through the eyes of someone living a very different life.
The new name for the largest installation in the Army honors Army Pfc. Roland L. Bragg, a native of Maine, who enlisted in July 1943 at age 23. During World War II ... At a German aid station ...