There isn’t too much to say about southern Vietnamese pho in Sydney that hasn’t already been documented, analysed and argued.
Dishes are cooked as the chef envisions them, but sauces are on each table to add heat or spice as the diner wishes.
Add articles to your saved list and come back to them any time. It’s 7am in southern Vietnam, the air cool and crisp as Ho Chi Minh City awakes and thinks about what to eat. And it thinks about pho.
"We have North Vietnamese flags and stuff like that. I am trying to get mannequin that I was going to dress up like a Vietcong (with) black pajamas and a Nón lá hat and all that. Also going to ...
During the cold winter months, soul-healing comfort food is what the doctor ordered, and that's exactly what this cozy noodle soup is. Italian Penicillin soup (also known as Nonna's Penicillin ...