We expect scattered storms Sunday afternoon to eventually turn into a line of severe wind storms by the evening. We have the ...
DST will end at 02:00:00 AM, Sunday, Oct 27, 1918. When local clocks are to be set backward by 1 hour.
Current local time in Central (US/Central timezone). Get information about the US/Central time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving time is applicable) current time in ...
TULARE COUNTY, Calif. (KFSN) -- For the first time in 14 years, California's fire hazard severity zones maps have been updated by the state fire marshal. Based on fire history and conditions of ...
Cal Fire said the maps are proactive, to be used in wildland-urban interface building standards for new construction and ...
Weather could be an issue for many, but there are locations that will have a "fair chance" (about 40 to 60 percent) of ...
Cities with first-time fire zone designations include Santa Monica, La Cañada-Flintridge, South Pasadena, Alhambra, ...
Land along the Congaree River untouched for over a century is now being considered for a “world-class” park, but the site is prone to floods and some worry the plans will damage the riverfront.
The number of acres in the top two fire zones ... fire maps. Over the past five to eight years, California weather has changed “faster than ever before,” he said. “The ability for us to ...
For the first time in at least 14 years, state officials will release updated fire maps for Southern California on Monday, ...