What's the deal with the world's smallest dinosaur footprints? This unusual and rare discovery may be more surprising than ...
This anomaly has long perplexed geologists, but researchers at the Indian Institute of Science in Bengaluru, India, have now ...
A new seismic study of Singapore could guide urban growth and renewable energy development in the coastal city nation, where ...
A new ocean is being created in East Africa through changes in the tectonic plates -- huge segments of the Earth’s crust that move on top of the semi-fluid mantle underneath -- in the Afar ...
The third United Nations Ocean Conference (UNOC3), to be held in Nice, France, in June, could help to redefine global ocean governance. But the conference’s political statement — the UNOC3 ...
This striking satellite image, taken from Google Maps in 2021, shows a bizarre, jet-black, triangular structure in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. At the time, the mysterious object, which was ...
A 35-mile-long fissure in East Africa signals the continent’s gradual separation, leading to the formation of a new ocean in the future. This tectonic activity, involving the Somali and Nubian Plates, ...