Si estás pensando en ampliar la familia y sumar una mascota a la casa, analizar ciertas características, propias de cada ...
Que los perros no disfrutan de los vuelos, es algo obvio. Pasar horas en un transportín en la bodega del avión, lejos de su dueña o dueño, es una experiencia bastante estresante para las mascotas. Por ...
A six-year-old boy has made history as one of the youngest ever Crufts winners alongside his beloved smooth fox terrier in Birmingham. Freddie Osborne, from Bobbington in Staffordshire ...
A six-year-old boy has made history as one of the youngest ever Crufts winners alongside his beloved smooth fox terrier in Birmingham. Freddie Osborne, from Bobbington in Staffordshire, took to the ...
This year’s event saw an impressive aisle of all sorts of terrier breeds highlighted at the NEC in Birmingham. Nevertheless, one of them stands out, mostly because it’s the biggest terrier of ...
Former Premier League and Football Association (FA) chairman Peter McCormick is to return to Leeds United after the departure of chief executive Angus Kinnear – but not as a direct replacement ...
For more than 130 years Crufts has been the premier show for the world's best pedigree dogs. But in a new first an 'adorable' working Old English Foxhound from the Percy Hunt in Northumberland has ...
Atletismo · Campeonato de Europa Indoor. Medalla de chocolate para el 4x400 mixto español en la fiesta de Femke Bol Llegar a un campeonato con la mejor marca no te garantiza nada en el 800 ...
Aunque predomine el color verde en la vestimenta, también hay gente que prefiere verse de naranja en el día de San Patricio el 17 de marzo El Día de San Patricio, celebrado cada 17 de marzo, es ...
A six-year-old boy has made history as one of the youngest ever Crufts winners alongside his beloved smooth fox terrier in Birmingham. Freddie Osborne, from Bobbington in Staffordshire ...