Tasmanian devils are already being released inside predator-proof sanctuaries in New South Wales, and rewilding advocates believe they could suppress feral cats and foxes across the continent ...
Once considered a lost species, this carnivorous marsupial, officially known as the thylacine, could soon make a comeback thanks to groundbreaking advancements in genetics. Using advanced ...
a pigeon and even a Tasmanian devil overseas during World War I. In most cases these animals were smuggled by Australians from home to the front as pets but became unofficial mascots for their ...
Taran Armstrong is the first Tasmanian to be picked up by an NBA team. Armstrong has reportedly signed with the Californian team Golden State Warriors, which could see him line up alongside ...
Walking through the boundless landscape of red rocks and limestone cliffs in Texas' Big Bend National Park last March, a volunteer and a park ranger came across a plant they didn't recognize.
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife responded to a report that a momma bear had apparently been hit by a car and was found with its cub lying in an apartment parking lot in Truckee.
This Devil Fruit belongs to Saint Qilingam Of House Limosiv, a very powerful Holy Knight who was introduced in Elbaf.
A six-month-old tiger cub was killed after being hit by an unidentified vehicle while crossing the Rampur-Haldwani road in the Tanda range of the Terai Central Forest Division, about 1.5 km from ...