The six helicopters were modernised with the BasiX-Pro Glass Cockpit Retrofit Kit, the company said in a statement on 13 ...
ndonesian Military (TNI) commander Gen. Agus Subiyanto reaffirmed the armed force’s commitment to have its officers resign from active duty if they intend to serve in civilian posts, amid ...
he Indonesian Military (TNI) Law has joined the priority list of this year’s National Legislation Program (Prolegnas), after failing to make it in the 2019-2024 term of the House of Representatives.
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - The Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI) probed several soldiers allegedly involved in the attack on Tarakan Regional Police, said VI/Mulawarman Millitary Commander, Major General Rudy ...
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Minister of Environment Hanif Faisol Nurofiq announced that the government will demolish 30 buildings in the Puncak area, Bogor Regency, West Java. This action is being taken ...
Jakarta. The House of Representatives (DPR) is pushing to finalize the revision of Law No. 34/2004 on the Indonesian Military (TNI) before the legislative recess on March 21. However, the proposed ...
Environment Minister Hanif Faisol Nurofiq (second from the left) and Commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) General Agus Subiyanto (second from the right) having a conversation before ...