The year: 1861. The problem: Pro-slavery states had broken away from the Union, rising up in armed revolt as the treasonous ...
The president of Northwestern Bell Telephone was summoned to Washington to assemble the first plans for Cold War civilian ...
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is being punished by his party for not causing a government shutdown.
Seventy Black Union military members who fought in the Civil War will be memorialized in a monument planned for Rocky Mount in Franklin County, Virginia.
An effort is afoot to tell the story of the 1st South Carolina Volunteers in a six-acre park between Boundary Street and Battery Creek ...
The fighting of the American Civil War ultimately reached nearly every state in the Northern and Southern territories, with ...
The Trump administration on March 15 deported more than 200 people to El Salvador, where they are being detained in the ...
Union forces occupied the rebellious states until 1877, during which time thousands ... many historians consider part and parcel of the Civil War, continued until the 1890s.
A US federal judge has criticised the Trump administration’s deportation of alleged Venezuelan gang members, declaring that ...
U.S. Circuit Judge Patricia Millett repeatedly pressed the Trump administration about the lack of due process protections for ...
Over the course of the Civil War, bourbon faced a war of its own on multiple fronts. There was a lot of questionable ...