Once again, we hear the mention of federalism and the ‘protection of minorities’. In the distance I hear the faint strains of ‘Separate Development’ and the whispers of ‘Independent Homelands’.
South Africa, in common with the rest of the continent, cannot be understood in simplistic black-andwhite… and that does not mean race.
The Kleinfontein Inwonersvereniging (residents’ association) states in a press release that, if divided among households, ...
The Afrikaner-only settlement of Kleinfontein has defended its legality for decades, but now Tshwane wants punitive property ...
This often noisy exercise in projection is wholly dismissive, for example, of concerns that the man, as the conservative commentator Matthew Parris put it in The Times, is “a slob, a cheat, a ...
OFM, the Sound of Your Life, is proud to partner with John Deere to launch the ‘Lekker soos ’n Trekker’ competition, giving ...
It was a simple tweet on X, as the business magnate and investor has renamed Twitter: “They are openly pushing for genocide of white people in South Africa. @CyrilRamaphosa, why do you say nothing?” ...