Ruska propagandna hobotnica Pravda (Resnica), omrežje več kot 200 spletnih strani, ki v več evropskih jezikih, tudi v ...
Prva v regiji je uvedla vrsto inovativnih metod zdravljenja, med njimi lasersko odpravo dioptrije in operacijo sive mrene z vgradnjo premium leč.
V tokratnem podkastu Naložbeni navdih, ki ga ustvarjamo v sodelovanju z Generali Investments, smo dobili vpogled v razmišljanje enega od ključnih akterjev v slovenskem podjetniškem ekosistemu. Gregor ...
V sodobnem tehnološkem okolju so inovacije sinonim za uspeh, vrhunski talenti pa igrajo ključno vlogo pri zagotavljanju ...
A smart scale can go beyond just tracking your weight. If you're investing in your health, you might start watching your weight as a part of your journey. However, there are a lot of different ...
Ask anyone about their smart blinds, and you’ll hear a variety of reasons why they love them. Some rave about the privacy benefits they offer, closing reliably every night. Others boast about ...
We love decking our home with the best smart home devices. They enable us to control our appliances with our voice, have the lights and the heating just so when we get home from work, and help us ...
These are the best smart home hubs and controllers based on our testing and reviews. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Here’s how it works.
When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Here’s how it works. When smart speakers first emerged just over a decade ago sound quality was not their strong point ...
Rising energy costs have many homeowners looking for ways to manage their usage and lower their bills, and smart meters — which display real-time energy consumption—can be a useful tool in ...
Check out more Australian smart home deals here. With the ability to increase the convenience and security of your entryway, a smart lock is arguably the most important part of a connected home.
Learn more If you're shopping for a TV in 2025, you'll likely be purchasing a smart TV model. Smart TVs connect to the internet, so you can access popular streaming apps and features like voice ...