Historically, the ocean has been difficult to model ... supergyre links the southern portions of other, smaller current loops (gyres) that circulate in the southern Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian ...
The impact of hurricanes when they travel over land, or when they affect ships or oil-drilling platforms, are quite well ...
Princeton University and Xiamen University researchers report that in tropical and subtropical oligotrophic waters, ocean acidification reduces primary production, the process of photosynthesis in ...
Microplastics are silently sabotaging the planet’s greenery, curbing photosynthesis, and threatening food security.
On average, these little particles could reduce photosynthesis in plants and algae by up to 12 percent, according to the ...
The arrival of iguanas in the South Pacific can only be explained, a team of biologists have argued, if they caught a lift on ...
Understand the urgent need for plastic mitigation strategies to protect biodiversity and food supplies as microplastics infiltrate air, soil, and water worldwide.
The tiny plastic particles have been found in the ocean breeze, soil and even our ... while others are several times smaller than the width of a human hair. They can form when plastic pollution ...
The plant is fed by the Benguela Current — a cold, northward flowing ocean current that forms the eastern limb of the South Atlantic subtropical gyre ... algae and small ocean critters.
While the temperature changes over the whole ocean depth are small compared to those at the land and ocean ... from a poleward shifting and strengthening of the subtropical ocean gyre circulation, of ...