“Gum is safe to enjoy as it has been for more than 100 years,” the National Confectioners Association said via email. The ...
Black don’t crack.” “It is not that racist ideas and largely fake data are present in the literature,” Newman would later ...
Amid mounting global health concerns about PFAS, communities living along the waterway must grapple with how contamination is ...
When it comes to shark watching, most people don't have Massachusetts on their short list of destinations, but maybe they ...
A t first glance, Seaport Village looks like a spot for tourists and photo ops, but there is more to it than just pretty ...
Traditionally, Nagy is known as Tlaatsgaa Chiin Kiljuu, or Strong Salmon Voice, because of his years fighting to ensure the ...
Picture an ocean world so deep and dark it feels like another planet—where creatures glow and life survives under crushing ...
In the past week, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), in collaboration with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced ...
Scientists have decoded the metabolic strategies of certain sulfur bacteria. A new study reports that the bacteria are found worldwide and have a complex metabolism with modular features.
Ireland has a goal to reach at least 5 gigawatts of offshore wind and an all-island supply chain by 2030, while Northern ...