Dalam pertemuan tersebut, kedua pemimpin menyepakati lima kerja sama utama, sebagaimana dilansir dari situs Kedutaan Besar dan Konsulat AS di Indonesia: Memajukan Indo-Pasifik yang bebas dan terbuka ...
Redaksi sarana informasi.com Pangkalan Balai, Si.com//Dalam rangka memeriahkan peringatan Hari Jadi Kabupaten Banyuasin, Sekretaris Daerah Ir. Erwin Ibrahim, ST.,MM MBA.,IPU ASEAN Eng, bersama Asisten ...
Timnas Indonesia akan berhadapan dengan Bahrain dalam laga krusial Kualifikasi Piala Dunia 2026 di SUGBK, Selasa, 25 Maret ...
ASEAN, now under Malaysian leadership, is well-equipped to manage international challenges in 2025 due to its vibrant economy, strategic political toolkit and extensive foreign investment, including ...
JAKARTA: Japan is invested in deepening ties with ASEAN to the tune of more than US$250 million in funds for cultural exchanges over the next decade, its ambassador to the regional grouping said.
ASEAN is one of the world's fastest-growing economic regions, with a combined population of approximately 690 million. In 2023, its 10 member states reached total GDP of nearly $3.8 trillion, with ...
SINGAPORE – The next frontier for Asean is to find a way for the organisation to enforce its decisions on errant members, said its former secretary-general, Ambassador Ong Keng Yong. Mr Ong ...
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta-Sekretaris Jenderal Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Kao Kim Hourn menyambut peringatan 30 tahun keanggotaan Vietnam di ASEAN. Dia menilai bergabungnya Vietnam sebagai ...
DEFENSE Secretary Gilberto Teodoro Jr. on Wednesday emphasized the need for a resolute and united Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) to address emerging security challenges confronting the ...
BANGKOK – Thai businesses are facing a surge in financial phishing attacks, and cyber criminals are exploiting the region’s burgeoning digital economy, according to a report by global cyber ...