Ten of Patrick's 40 priorities have already passed out of the Senate, including three of the items on the new list released ...
The military story of Jackie Robinson, who broke baseball's color barrier after serving as a 2nd lieutenant in the Army, no ...
Robinson—the first Black man to play American or National League baseball in the 20th century—served in the army from 1942 to '44, attaining the rank of second lieutenant. On Tuesday, ESPN's Jeff ...
Jackie Robinson is an American hero. But he was not treated like one in a confounding move by the United States Department of ...
The Department of Defense deleted a story on its website that highlighted Jackie Robinson's military service, with the ...
These Fire Force lieutenants may not be as strong as the captains, but they can certainly demolish countless infernals with ...
The Executive Order (EO) No. 84 signed by Marcos on Friday states that officers, enlisted personnel of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, including trainees and probationary second lieutenants ...
The increase will also extend to AFP trainees, probationary second lieutenants or ensigns undergoing military instruction, Citizen Military Training cadets participating in summer camp programs ...
The said allowance increase is for AFP officers and enlisted personnel, as well as trainees and probationary second lieutenants/ensigns undergoing military training, Citizen Military Training cadets ...
According to the executive order, the increase applies to officers enlisted in the AFP personnel including trainees and probationary second lieutenants or ensigns undergoing military training as ...
EO 84 covers officers and enlisted personnel of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), including trainees and probationary second lieutenants and ensigns undergoing training, Citizen Military ...